
high snow wheel Learn more about high snow wheel

  • Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of dwarf snow wheel

    Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of dwarf snow wheel

    The cultivation varieties of Dwarf Snow Wheel are more, and the flowers are colorful, which are loved by many flower friends. Dwarf snow wheel flower is small, the group ornamental effect is better, often make ground cover plant. Artificial breeding dwarf snow wheel can be sowed, so what problems should artificial sowing dwarf snow wheel pay attention to?

  • Planting and cultivation techniques of Snow Wheel of Sakura

    Planting and cultivation techniques of Snow Wheel of Sakura

    Plant name: Cerambycidae: Caryophyllaceae, Muscovaceae. The cherry snow wheel is herbaceous in 2012. Originated along the Mediterranean coast, like light, semi-overcast, cold-resistant, not resistant to high temperature and drought, like loose, well-drained neutral to alkaline soil. Propagation and cultivation: sowing in autumn or early spring, germination temperature 15 ℃-20 ℃

  • The latest culture method of Gao Snow Wheel

    The latest culture method of Gao Snow Wheel

    Gao Xuelun, also known as carnation, is an annual herb of the genus Caryophyllaceae, which has high ornamental value. It is cultivated in cities and gardens in China for ornamental purposes, can be used as cut flowers or flower borders, and is suitable for flower diameter, flower border and ornamental rock garden or ground cover plants.

    2020-11-10 Most new high snow wheel breeding method high snow wheel also known as
  • Maintenance and management points of short snow wheel

    Maintenance and management points of short snow wheel

    Dwarf snow wheel plants short dense, after flowering Peng big calyx is still very beautiful, is a good flower bed and flower border materials, its dwarf varieties are often used to decorate rooms, rock gardens and so on. The cultivation difficulty of dwarf snow wheel is not high, and the manual management is also simple

  • Snow-capped mountain orchid

    Snow-capped mountain orchid

    Snow-capped mountain Tiancao: the leaf edge is inlaid with white whorl, the flower also has a capping wheel, and the flower art is of good quality and low price. This variety is easy to cultivate, high reproduction rate and high flowering rate.

  • How does Snow White raise evergreen?

    How does Snow White raise evergreen?

    1. Light management Snow White evergreen likes bright and ventilated environment, the light is controlled at 15000-20000Lx in spring, shade should be paid attention to in summer, and all-day light can be lit all day in autumn and winter. If the sun is too strong, the leaves will turn yellow, affecting the ornamental effect.

  • How to raise the "queen" Snow White plants in the room? Is it toxic?

    How to raise the

    Snow White is an evergreen plant with different stripes on its leaves and a beautiful princess charm. Is the most beautiful evergreen, the highest ornamental value of the variety, Snow White is known as the queen of the room, is an ideal indoor and outdoor plant. So, indoor plants.

    2020-11-11 House indoor " queen " Snow White plants yes
  • Galaxy lotus petal

    Galaxy lotus petal

    Lotus petal orchid: a big grass in the leaf art of lotus petal orchid in Milky way. The lotus petal orchid is full of art. Produced in the Nujiang River Basin, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province. It was selected by Mr. Song Zhiyong, a senior orchid friend. This product is 0.9-1.2cm wide and 40-50cm long. The plant type is vigorous and strong. The bud is pink and has a metallic luster. The blade green cap is 3-5cm deep, and the green compound wheel width is about 1.

  • A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    The Chinese characters of green flowers, the number of the market is very small, the smell of flowers is strong, and the green stem and green flowers found in Tangkou. Leaf posture in the thin thick semi-vertical leaves (large plants are semi-drooping leaves) the posture is dark green and elegant. The flower volume three petals are horn daffodil petals, the color is clean and light green, the flower flesh is thick and soft, and the flower is more than two inches in diameter.

  • The latest Research on the Evolution of National Orchid Line Art

    The latest Research on the Evolution of National Orchid Line Art

    Zhenhe, middle dwarf lotus petal of lotus petal orchid, thick-skinned broad-leaf lotus petal orchid from Baoshan, Yunnan, the first sight of this flower is this angle in the photo, this is the position, it seems to be made by its momentum, a strong sense of asphyxiation, can not feel the heartbeat, at a distance of two meters, I look at it reverently and solemnly. Yunnan is rich in.

  • How does Snow White reproduce evergreen?

    How does Snow White reproduce evergreen?

    1. The initial care is the peak growth period of Snow White from March to August every year, so it is necessary to water more and keep it moist. Water should be sprinkled frequently when dry in summer to increase air humidity. And during the growing season, Snow White also needs to fertilize water, once every two weeks. two。 Rizhao Snow White likes bright places and keeps them airy.

  • Bibo Longmei Chunlan

    Bibo Longmei Chunlan

    At the end of 2001, Siming Mountain in Zhejiang Province descended. The outer three-lobe waveform, the color is extremely green, there is a green wheel and gap on the semi-hard hand, and the front part of the bifurcated tongue is snow-white. The leaves are sloping and shiny, with long 35cm. The flower has a high 25cm (because it blossoms ahead of time) and is extremely fragrant.

  • Snow moon flower construction orchid

    Snow moon flower construction orchid

    Sijilan "Snow Moon" is one of the traditional Chinese Suxin orchid inscriptions, with large pseudobulbs, drooping leaves, thick and shiny leaves and bright white claws at the end of the leaves, resistant to sunlight. The florescence is between the beginning of summer and the end of autumn, usually 4-9 flowers per flower, the flowers are all vegetarian, only there is a very small amount of blush on both sides of the lobes of the tongue, and the flowering rate is high.

  • If snow cold orchid

    If snow cold orchid

    Thin leaf cold orchid, plain flower, leaf shape is elegant. This cold element was introduced at a high price in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province at the end of 2005 by Beijing Lanyou "Dan Dust Zi". A total of 8 seedlings have been nurtured so far. After the first opening of strong seedlings this year, it was seen that the tongue was as white as snow, and the green-white contrast between two handfuls of white front clasping the outer lobe was obvious, so the cold element was named Ruoxue.

  • What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties?

    What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties?

    What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties? The peony flower is colorful and magnificent, and is known as the "king of flowers". At the same time, because the peony flower is large and fragrant, it is also known as "national color and Tianxiang". There are thousands of peony varieties in our country.

  • Culture method of Gao Xuelun

    Culture method of Gao Xuelun

    Culture method of Gao Xuelun

  • Mechanization Technology of Peanut production

    Mechanization Technology of Peanut production

    Mechanization Technology of Peanut production

  • On the nomenclature of orchids

    On the nomenclature of orchids

    Fine leaf species cold orchid heart five-valve compound wheel small round tongue snow-white compound wheel tongue background color white and bright. The seedling leaves are a little bigger, so it should be good for planting and breeding to control the leaf posture a little bit. The snow is cold, and a lamp is like a bean. By the window lattice, the people have dispersed, and finally "tears flow first". How many sorrows do you have to mourn? The flower falls on the string and caresses a song for you.

  • Don't forget to repair agricultural machinery after wheat harvest

    Don't forget to repair agricultural machinery after wheat harvest

    The combine harvester can maintain the machine before leaving the car, keep it in good technical condition, reduce faults, improve work efficiency and prolong the service life of the machine. 1. Self-propelled combine harvester (l) add lubricating oil to each lubrication point every day. (2) after using for a period of time, tighten the front and rear wheel nuts; check and adjust the tension of all triangular belts; check and adjust all transmission chains; clean the dry air filter when the light is on; clean up

  • Castle Peak Yuquan-Jianlan Suxin, Green claw

    Castle Peak Yuquan-Jianlan Suxin, Green claw

    Carry forward the national orchid culture, spread the orchid knowledge Qingshan Yuquan, Jianlan (Sijilan) famous products, the original price of 25 yuan, the current price of 19.8 yuan, 4 seedlings for sale, authentic, free delivery, famous for vegetarian heart, green claws, is a rare variety of orchids, 1992.
